Our events are back! Join us on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm for a free event.
This February we are hosting a mending night! Bring that unhemmed pair of pants you have been forgetting about forever, or that sweatshirt with the torn elbow. We will have a lightweight sewing machine available, thread, needles, thimbles, and basic fabric for making patches and advice from knowledgeable folks on how to fix something. Bring that jacket and patch you need to iron and sew on, too! Nothing to mend? Just bring something you’ve been meaning to work on for a while and work on it with others in a happy environment together! Hell, even bring a sketchbook!
Masks required and provided, but we will have some snacks and drinks for folks available. Please feel free BYO bevvies and snacks, too!
To even further sweeten the deal, take 10% off on anything in store aside from original framed paintings during your visit.
Looking forward to meeting you!